"Advocacy is qualified legalassistanceprovidedon a professional basis by persons who received the status of advocate… to physical and legal persons for thepurpose of advocating their rights, freedomsand interests, and ensuring their access to justice."

Chapter 1, art.1 of Federal Law ¹ 63-FZ "On Advocacy and the Bar in the Russian Federation"


Attorney's office will represent in the name of a client - Russian citizen - in the suitcase concerning separation of spouses' assets.


Arkady Lee law office is representing the interests of the Russian attorney who is trying to restore his advocate status.

Litigation - Cayman Islands
Cayman Grand Court permits US depositions of future trial witnesses


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About the Attorney at Law

Attorney at Law Arkady Stanislavovich Lee has been working in the field of jurisprudence since 1990. He was admitted to the bar in 1994.

In 1992 he graduated cum laude from the Department of Law of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University .

It should be noted, that besides a serious practical job experience, the attorney at law has a weighty scientific outfit as he went to the University and simultaneously worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Soviet Legislation of the USSR Ministry of Justice and Russian Legal Academy of the RF Ministry of Justice. He studied the problems of market economy legal regulation.

A.S. Lee studied at the School of Law of Emory University (Atlanta, USA) after which he practiced law and at the same time worked as a legal counsel within the project Assistance to Bailiff Service in Russia of the US International Development Agency.

Fluent in English.

A.S. Lee goes on with his scientific work and also works with mass media: his reports on the cases he conducted and consultations were published in the press more than once. The attorney at law took part in several TV programs as a consultant.

Arkady Stanislavovich was a member of the Odintsovo Town Bar within the Moscow Region Chamber of Attorneys at Law. He founded attorney office in 2019.

In 2004 Mr. Lee was awarded a diploma of the Moscow Region Chamber of Attorneys at Law ‘for successes in human rights activity, adherence to professional duty and Russian advocacy traditions.'

In 2007 Mr. Lee Arkady Stanislavovich had been rewarded with "Honorary lawyer" silver medal "for the special services in the professional activities". This is one of the highest awards of the Moscow Region Chamber of Attorneys at Law symbolizing high expertise of attorney and his irreproachable reputation of many years.

In 2012, 2014 Mr. Lee Arkady Stanislavovich had been also rewarded with the medals "For The Legal Services in Protecting Citizens' Rights". These are the highest awards of the Federal  Chamber of The Russian Federation of Attorneys at Law.