"Advocacy is qualified legalassistanceprovidedon a professional basis by persons who received the status of advocate… to physical and legal persons for thepurpose of advocating their rights, freedomsand interests, and ensuring their access to justice."

Chapter 1, art.1 of Federal Law ¹ 63-FZ "On Advocacy and the Bar in the Russian Federation"


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Company/Commercial- Latvia.

At present, the Register of Enterprises may refuse to register a society or foundation if:

  • the goal established in its articles of association contradicts the Latvian Constitution or international treaties to which Latvia is a party;
  • the incorporation procedure for a society or foundation is violated; or
  • following the adoption of a decision to postpone registration, the shortcomings in the articles of association or the name of the society or foundation are not eliminated.

It is envisaged that through amendments to the Societies and Foundations Law announced at a meeting of state secretaries on January 11 2007, the registration of a society or foundation will also be rejected based on a statement of a state security authority that incorporation of the society or foundation poses a threat to state security and is contradictory to laws and regulations binding in Latvia. Furthermore, activities of the society or foundation may be terminated by court ruling if: (i) the competent government authorities have established that its actions pose a threat to the state or public security; and (ii) the public prosecutor has submitted a respective application to the court upon investigating the case.

The law currently provides that the activities of a society may be terminated if they do not comply with the Constitution, laws or other legal standards. It is envisaged that the law will be amended to provide that the activities of a society may also be terminated by court ruling if they do not comply with its articles of association.

"International Law Office"